Sunday, March 8, 2009

Washington Nationals March 2009

The Nationals, like the Royals will surprise the baseball world in 2009 with their young talent. Lasting Milledge, Elijah Dukes, Wily Mo Pena and Adam Dunn are all hitters that can hit 30 homeruns some day, and Milledge could with a batting title and steal 30 bases.

Lineup (B+)

LF Lastings Milledge (B)
SS Cristian Guzman (C+)
3B Ryan Zimmerman (B)
CF Elijah Dukes (B+)
RF Josh Willingham (B-)
1B Adam Dunn (B+)
C Jesus Flores (B)
2B Anderson Hernandez/Alberto Gonzalez (C)
P John Lannan (B)


LHP John Lannan (B)
RHP Collin Balester (B)
LHP Scott Olsen (B)
RHP Daniel Cabrera (C+)
RHP Shawn Hill/Jason Bergmann (C+)
RHP (6) Jordan Zimmerman (B+)

Bullpen (B)
CL- Joel Hanrahan (B)
SU Steven Shell (B)
SU Saul Rivera (B)
MRP Garrett Mock (B)
LSU Ross Detwiler (B+)
LRP Shairon Martis (B-)
Lefty Mike Hinckley (C+)

The staff is talented but still developing. Lannan and Olsen are the veterans while both are under 27. Balester just turned 23 and his capabloe of putting up an ERA two points lower than his 5.51 ERA last year. Detwiler could start, but looked better coming out of the bullpen were he can save his splitter for k's. Hanrahan is a solid closer, with one of the best sliders in the game. Shell is a nice set up guy and put up a 2.20 ERA in 2008. Mock is a horse like Rivera and both could pitch 80 innings of 4 era ball. Hinkley and Martis are semi-prospects and both can eat innings as well. Cabrera was exiled and given up on by the Orioles only for the neighboring Nationals to pounce. His 96 mph fastball still has some use. Shawn Hill and Jason Bergmann are both injury risks, however, Hill has a better stuff than Bergmann-a power sinker --when healthy.

Bench (B-)

INF Ronnie Belliard (B-)
C Luke Montz (C+)
SS Alberto Gonzalez (C)
OF Austin Kearns (C+)
1B Nick Johnson (B)

They are a good all around team, capable of winning eighty games is all goes well. Dunn is a 40 home runs hitter while Dukes could hit 30 and steal 30 bases. Zimmerman could easily hit 30 but he needs to keep his wait in check while Guzman and Milledge could both hit .300. Flores is an emerging catcher capable of 15-20 homeruns, while Willinham can put up 25 homers yearly and even play some catcher. Austin Kearns has shown what he's made of since his days in Cincinnati but he will be a valuable asset off of the bench. Alberto Gonzalez plays A+ defense while Anderson Hernandez can do the same--neither has a bat though. Ronnie Belliard is a good player and flashed some serious power in 2008.

Minors (B-)-

Jordan Zimmerman (B+)
Ross Detwiler (B+)
Chris Marrero (B-)
Esmailyn Gonzalez (B+)
Ian Desmond (C+)
Luke Montz (C+)
Leonard Davis (C+)
Roger Bernadina (C+)
Justin Maxwell (C+)

The Nationals don't have a great minor-league system considering their recent struggles. Jordan Zimmerman is one of the greatest pitchers in the league and WILL start for the Nationals some time in 2009. He's never put an ERA over 4.00 up in higher A ball levels. Chris Marrero has power but doesn't have much else--a good arm but no speed and will probably be relegated to first base before long. Detwiler has been iffy with his wind-up but can throw a 93-97 mph fastball and an 85 mph splitter-- he could be a good closer. Esmailyn Gonzalez, whos name nobody REALLY knows, is a good hitter and hit over .300 in 2008 in High A ball. Ian Desmond has power but can't make contact, hitting .251 with 12 homeruns in half a triple A season, and needs more time refining his approach in the minors. Leonard Davis was their minor league player of the year, just like Jeff Larish was for the Tigers and both are the same type of hitter. Luke Montz has good power for a catcher and a nice approach to his defense, hitting ,.280 with 14 homeruns in a half season in AAA. Bernadina hit .323 in AAA and played some shitty ball with the Nats in 2008. With their glut of outfielders, Justin Maxwell can't be considered a prospect after his injuries in 2008. After that, the Nats don't have much else.

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